Back Stories » Vietnam » Vietnam Stock Company Accidentally Includes Porn Photo in Newsletter, Arouses Concern

A possible browser-blunder or bungled copy-paste resulted in the adult content sent to subscribers.

When people using Gmail opened their regular email from FPT Securities Joint Stock Company (FPTS) — the securities brokerage associate of IT company FPT — that updates them on stock results and analysis, they were shocked to find a topless woman in a suggestive pose included in the text.

She's probably just trying to read a print version of the FPTS newsletter. Image via CafeF.

The email quickly circulated on the company's forum, where it aroused both chuckles and concern. Some found whimsy in the idea of an employee multi-tasking smut and stocks, while others worried that it reveals a widespread lack of quality control and professionalism. One comment stated, “It is likely that FPTS is also not handling their customers' accounts with care.”

The major tech company has apologized for the X-rated image while refusing to take the blame. A representative claimed, “Our original content was a technical analysis by FPTS, but the third-party email service provider somehow attached the image to the email and sent it to customers instead of the technical analysis." The contract with that third-party provider has since been terminated.

[Top photo via ahope4lyme

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