Love Letter #1: Unaddressed @ The Little Plan café

From the organizer: The genesis for this show is the simple notion that we all love and loved and will keep loving.

Love the look in someone’s eyes, the way they wear their sadness, love cool rain, love the hot cup of tea, love fiercely, love moderately, love like there’s no tomorrow, love like we have all the time in the world… There’s so much love in our hearts. And yet for one reason or another, so often, we loose the chance to express our genuine feelings. And somewhere along the way, our love letters got lost in the mails and never found the right owners. 

Love Letters: Unaddressed is a series of confessions written and performed in the mixed language of puppetry and physical theatre, dedicated to everyone and everything I love and have loved. Each show is 20-30 minute long and deals with a different topic and subject of affection. The series will end when there’s nothing more to love.

Please come to The Little Plan Cafe <11 Phu Doan> Weds (25/04) and enjoy our debut showing of Love Letter #1.

Directed and Designed by: Theatre and Puppetry Artist, Linh Valerie Pham
Performed by: Linh Pham, Huong Linh, and Hyang Chu.

Location: The Little Plan Cafe 
Time: 8PM - 25/04/2018
Fee: 100.000 VNĐ/ ticket (1 free drink included)
At the moment, only tickets for the 25th show are available for show.
Please RESERVE your tickets here:
Only the first 25 people to register will be able to purchase their tickets


Wednesday, 25 April

8:00pm - 10:00pm

The Little Plan café | 11 Phủ Doãn, Hanoi


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