[The title "Tìm em/Qua đêm trăng sạch" (Seeking for you/Through a clear moon night) is inspired by a poem of Trần Dần]

After all everybody agrees
last night
full moon
eve of 20 (sept, solar calendar)
clean moon
at 8 PM

Heritage Space, re-locating to a new ‘planet', night after night, has been preparing a tiny ‘feast', for our new housewarming, a tiny house but sweet and dreamy (and not far, not far at all, anymore).

We would love to invite all the old and new friends to join our language - music - movement feast: "Heritage ÉP launch: Tìm em/Qua đêm trăng sạch" (Seeking for you/Through a clear moon night). And this time, it's gonna be a much more familiar and fun performing atmosphere.

Heritage Space's new space is quite small so we have arrange different stages for each performance. You will accompany the artists from one stage to another.

List of main performances:

#0: Tìm em/ Qua thư viện sạch… (Seeking for you/Through a clean library…)

#1: Cánh đồng, con ngựa, chuyến tàu (The field, the horse, the train) - an experimental musical translation of the same poem - đàn tranh duo, vocal, sound objects,.. [with: Hoài Anh + Hà Thuý Hằng]

#2: Jờ Joạcx - bamboo flute, jew harp, electronic instruments and movements on “music pallete" - a special interactive D.I.Y ‘instrument' invented by Alec Schachner [with: Alec Schachner + Duy Rùa + Kim]

#3: Hanoise - field recording, synthersizer, flute, percussion and đàn bầu (monochord). [with: Vũ Nhật Tân + Ngô Trà My].

It's a small space, so please register to reserve your seat: http://bit.ly/2lTXdwQ

*** Media partner: Hanoi Grapevine.


Friday, 20 September

8:00pm - 11:00pm

Dolphin Plaza | 6 Nguyễn Hoàng, Mỹ Đình 2, Nam Từ Liêm, Hanoi


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