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Saigoneer Podcast: Unique Hobbies, Mental Health and Nomadic Notes

This week we moved into a recording studio, and we're excited about the much better sound quality listeners will be able to enjoy moving forward!

In our first segment, we share stories of the most unique hobbies we've come across in Saigon, including a friend who likes to burn dirt and an older gentleman who has turned a drab District 4 hẻm into a beautiful series of murals.

Then, we look at mental health in Vietnam through a personal lens. If you or anyone you know needs help, don't hesitate to get in touch with us and we can give some recommendations for counselling experts in Saigon.

Our interview segment is with James Clark, who runs the Nomadic Notes website and focuses on heritage conservation and infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia.

As always, we end with Banh Mi Banter. We're taking next week off for the Reunification Day/Labor Day holidays, so we'll be back in your feed on May 7. Have a great week!

Listen to this episode of the Saigoneer Podcast through the SoundCloud link below, or find us on Radio Public or the Apple podcast app. Leave us a review letting us know what you think of the show!

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- Saigoneer Podcast: Ghost Stories, Vietnam's Super-Rich and Cambodian Rock & Roll

- Saigoneer Podcast: Deadly Fires, Grab Beats Uber and Building 'Green' in Vietnam

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