Back Arts & Culture » Mike Tyson Stars in Hong Kong Comedy About Female Friendship Set in Vietnam

Get this: apparently Mike Tyson was in Vietnam to film his part in a Hong Kong action comedy. What?

The action flick in question is Girls 2: Girls vs Gangsters, directed by Hong Kong director Barbara Wong Chun-Chun and starring three Taiwanese actresses in the main roles. Vietnamese director and actor Tran Bao Son also got a supporting role, alongside internet personality Elly Tran.

The movie’s Vietnam connection doesn’t stop there: a large chunk of the storyline takes place in the Southeast Asian country, where the three main characters decide to participate in a debauched, raucous, and beefcake-filled bachelorette party. Girls 2’s Vietnam trailer wastes no time in treating viewers to a smorgasbord of Saigon hyperlapses and áo dài – because you can’t have a Vietnam-related film without áo dài­-clad characters running down the street.

From just the official trailers alone, it’s difficult to make sense of Tyson’s cameo in the movie: the heavyweight boxer could be seen performing a plethora of high-speed whiplash-inducing action sequences in a military uniform. Which is confusing since Girls 2 tells the story of three best friends whose close connection was marred by romantic entanglements.

According to Zing, Tyson and the cast arrived in Vietnam in July 2016 to shoot most of the movie on location. 

This is not Mike Tyson’s first go at Hong Kong action features. In 2015, he joined the cast of Ip Man 3 as Frank, an American property mogul-slash-boxer.

Have a look at the movie’s trailer to judge for yourself if Girls 2 merits a trip to the local theater:

Video via YouTube user Nguyễn Thạch Tú.

[Photo via Facebook page Những Cô Gái và Găng tơ - Girls 2]

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