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Maison De Tet Decor @ Maison de Tet decor

Maison de Tet decor hosts Maison Market on Saturday, 26th September 9:00am - 5:00pm
The event in our new villa on the edge of Quang Ba Park, Tay Ho - over looking the famous lotus ponds of West Lake, will bring together a varied showcase of locally sourced art, craft, essential oils, ceramics, edgy fashion, craft food items, organic vegetables as well Maison de Tet decor’s popular healthy menu. Come chat with the artists and pick up some great items locally.

This month stalls:
1. Nude soap
2. Collective Memory
3. Hope box
4. Better World/Future Traditions
5. Dao Care spa
6. Nhat la da ong bo
7. Anna Ryzh drawings
8. Heiner Radau
9. Korean Pate/Kimchi
10. Face Painting
11. Maison de Fluer

If you want to know more DM us below:

26th September 2020

9:00am – 5:00pm

Maison de Tet decor | 26 Phố Quảng Bá, Quảng An, Tây Hồ


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