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Dynamic Black and White @ Zero Station

From the organizer: Dynamic Black & White is an exhibition concept that is formed around three fundamental elements of the artists’ production. These are time, energy, and material. Materials are one of the crucial elements in creating visual effects. In this particular exhibition, the material, which is the substance to produce the works, will be minimalized to the extreme! So that only black and white will be used. Additionally, the curators will also pursue the focus on two main elements, which are collaboration of the artist groups’ energy along with time to construct this piece of work. 

The colors Black and White will play a critical role in creating a strong visual impact to articulate the artists’ style and character through their technique of conjuring lines and lights together with their unique flair and presentation.

The cross-disciplinary artists selected for this project, come from different backgrounds such as Doodle art, Line art, Graffiti and Digital art. These drawing styles are considered to be the current and popular fashion in Vietnam and have captured a lot of attention as well as having been practiced by young emerging Vietnamese artists. By introducing all these styles together in a collaborative project, we expect to develop an outcome devoted to their creativity and spectacular visual impact. 

A brief introduction for the participating artists in this project.

They are at a young, talented and have been working independently. They are representatives of fresh new open-minded Vietnamese who have grown up in the era of multi-visual media where the internet is an vehicle used to distribute their creative works and project their voice. 

The artists taking part in this project will start working on the murals and prints at the studio on march 23rd 2015 to march 29th 2015. The first open studio will be on April 5th 2015 and the second will be on April 12th 2015. 

Information on participating as well as the project will be updated during the working progress

We would like to thank the participating artists’ and believe that this event will be of great interest to those within the artistic community as well as the public.


Sunday, 5 April

6:00 pm

Zero Station | 12 Số 43 (Lâm Văn Bền perpendicular), D7, Ho Chi Minh City
