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[Photos] The City That Never Sits Still: Traffic in 1994 Saigon

In Saigon on Wheels, American photojournalist Ed Kashi managed to capture the pulse of a simpler Saigon.

It’s hard to remember a time when the southern hub wasn't flooded with motorbikes. Nowadays, with 8,000 new bikes and 750 cars hitting the street every day, the city is awash with vehicles, not to mention the noise and pollution which accompany this rapid growth.

Kashi’s photo essay was taken in 1994, when helmets weren’t a thing and cyclos still roamed the streets en masse.

The photo collection was processed completely in black and white, stripping away the city’s usual vibrancy but also shifting the audience’s focus to the movements and rhythms of Saigon, a city that has never been content with sitting still.

Take the trip down the memory lane, courtesy of Flickr user manhhai, below:

[Photos via Flickr user manhhai

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