Back Stories » Saigon » [Photos] The Joy and Heady Rush of Getting Caught in Saigon's Off-Season Rain

Right in the middle of the sweat-drenched, sun-singed, punishing April heat, Saigon welcomes the season’s rare showers with open arms.

Over the past days, Saigoneers were treated to a few instances of off-season rain providing much-needed relief to the hottest month in southern Vietnam. On April 8, residents in Go Vap and Tan Binh reported a few hours of rain, while yesterday, the majority of Saigon and other southern provinces rejoiced during a drizzly afternoon.

According to the Southern Regional Hydro-Meteorological Center, Tuoi Tre reports, a low-pressure area has formed over the region, so the uncharacteristically damp weather is likely to persist for the next few days, bringing off-season rain and thunder to southern Vietnam.

From April 15, however, the heat will return and with it, high temperature of up to 35oC during the day for most of the southern region.

Jubilee, shock, relief, calmness, a sense of cautious optimism — Saigon denizens reacted to these April showers in different ways. Here are some that Saigoneer managed to record during yesterday’s rain:

The swirls of grey cloud signal an impending summer shower.

A deserted Saigon Central Post Office during the epidemic.

Commuters speed up to run from the coming rain.

Fishing becomes a timely pastime these days.

bánh mì lady caught in the rain.

Guess what his favorite color is?

Damp-weather fashion.

Vegetable bundles are the happiest in this weather.

A wide range of emotions in response to the sudden shower.

Time to take things slow and wait it out.

The rain gets real heavy in some parts of Saigon.

Make way!

Some were caught off-guard by the rain.

A man decides to take his face mask off for a breather under the bridge.

Dashing along the Nhieu Loc Canal.

After a while, the drizzling finally winds down.

Luckily the train schedule has been significantly reduced.

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