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Thousand-Year-Old Champa Ruins May Be Paved Over For Highway

A recently uncovered set of Champa relics and structures thought to date back to the 9th century may be paved over for a new US$1.47 billion highway in Quang Nam Province.

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According to VnExpress, the site sits in the way of the 140km Da Nang – Quang Ngai highway that has been under construction since 2013.

“This finding is considerably large and different from other Champa relics found in the nearby area,” said Phan Van Cam, Director of Historical Relics and Scenery at the Quang Nam Management Center.

The relics cover at least 2,000sqm and to contain rooms where Brahman monks gathered to pray and perform religious rituals. The site is believed to an extension of the My Son holy land and the Champa Kingdom’s former capital at Tra Kieu. Historians said that objects found on the grounds shed light into the daily life of members of the Kingdom’s upper class.

Instead of altering the route of the highway, Quang Ngai authorities have proposed to preserve the site with 3D scanning.

“We have decided to preserve the relics by 3D scanning. The structure, the objects will be visually recorded in 3D, as many other countries have done in such cases,” said Cam.

A final decision on the fate of the historic site is expected from the Department of Culture Sports and Tourism in the coming weeks. 

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