If there’s one thing you should know about Vietnam, it’s that our highways are full of whimsical adventures, from impromptu beer slip-and-slides to runaway ostriches à la Hugo Cuoi Da Dieu, and now, bees.
A road in Quang Ngai province was buzzing after more than 2 million honey bees broke loose from a truck on Tuesday, according to Zing.
At 4am on June 21, 23-year-old truck driver Tran Duy Linh was transporting 270 crates of bees from the Central Highlands to central Vietnam when he fell asleep at the wheel.
“The truck crashed into the median strip, broke a highway lamp and finally toppled over,” Linh told Zing.
The accident really stung for Linh, who was transporting not only crates of bees but also oil and honey, as all of the truck's cargo was badly damaged. The wreckage left the driver injured and caused a few hours of traffic congestion during the morning rush hour.
The site of the accident wasn’t the usual hive of curious onlookers as people were too busy running for their lives. We at Saigoneer, for one, are glad that they were docile honey bees and not those tracker jackers.
Video via Zing.
[Photo via Doi Song]