Drugs - Hanoi Philosophy Forum @ Puku Café and Sports Bar

From the organizer: Disclaimer: This event is for educational purposes only. The Hanoi Philosophy Forum does not promote or endorse the illegal use of any illicit substance.

On Wednesday 26 September from 19:30-22:00 at Puku Café and Sports Bar, The Hanoi Philosophy Forumwill be hosting a series of lectures, stories, artwork, and discussions on drugs.

Topics will include:
+ Recent water park overdoses and balloon drowning
+ Legality and statistics of drug use in Vietnam
+ Drug use amongst non-human animals
+ The physiology of nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine
+ Pharmaceuticals
+ LSD, psilocybic mushrooms, peyote, DMT, and ayahuasca

The evening's presentations will be delivered by Jon Dallas. Content for the evening's presentations will be gathered in collaboration by Jon Dallas, David Morrison, Helen Kelleher, Meghan Cook, and Liam Raine.

Artistic interpretations will be created by Lara Hardie Stewart and James Moore.

Though the event formally concludes at 10pm, members are encouraged to continue the conversation at Puku late into the morning.

A 70k entrance fee will be collected at the door to support the Hanoi Philosophy Forum. Loyalty cards are also available, 5x entrances for 180k. If the entrance fee restricts your ability to attend, please contact Jon Dallas.

Puku has limited parking, but a space just opposite Puku has room enough for us. 10k per bike is charged, but if you present us your ticket we will be happy to validate it for you.


The Doors of Perception by Auldus Huxley

How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan

Paul Stamets Interview on Joe Rogan Podcast


Some members have degrees in Philosophy. Others are exploring these concepts for the first time. Wherever you are on this spectrum, we want to hear from you!

The Hanoi Philosophy Forum is a weekly, discussion-based exploration of classical and everyday philosophical concepts. Each evening, a series of 15-20 minute presentations are delivered diving deep into individual topics. Between each presentation we break into small groups of 6-8 people for 15 minutes or so to discuss and debate.

Stay updated with future events and discussions by joining our Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hanoiphilosophyforum
and by liking our Page here:

If you have any questions or suggestions, please ask here or contact Jon at jondallasjr@gmail.com


Wednesday, September 26

7:30pm - 10:00pm

Puku Café and Sports Bar | 16 Tong Duy Tan, Hanoi, Vietnam


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