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Exhibition : Đặng Đình Hưng - Rive Inconnue @ L'Espace

Exhibition of paintings ĐẶNG ĐÌNH HƯNG - Rive Inconnue

Exhibition curator: Lê Thiết Cương
Free entry

“Dang Dinh Hung's paintings are populated with dots, broken or continuous lines, letters, O's, A's, and circumflex accents, which he calls 'initial images.' These are indeed letters. basic, childish, natural. They are at the same time themselves, but also perceived in another form. It is a symbolic painting. A rather implicit symbol which nevertheless suggests a history, a state. Or the reverse, a whole story wrapped in a symbol So is his poetry, lots of Alpha, lots of Beta, lots of YZ, lots of numbers.

Dang Dinh Hung, his poetry, his painting are one, an unknown, a Dang Dinh Hung, an unknown shore."
Le Thiet Cuong

26th December 2020 - 28th February 2020

8:30am - 8:00pm

L'Espace | 24 Tràng Tiền, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội


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