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Polyamory | Hanoi Philosophy Forum @ Puku Café and Sports Bar

Join the Hanoi Philosophy Forum Wednesday night for a series of talks, music, games, art, and community discussions exploring the benefits and criticisms of polyamory.

Wednesday, 9:30pm-midnight at Puku Café and Sports Bar
16 Tống Duy Tân, Hoàn Kiếm

*Banner image artwork created for the Hanoi Philosophy Forum by M


+ Talks delivered by Jon Dallas exploring What is Polyamory, the Benefits of Polyamory, and the Criticisms of Polyamory
+ Community discussions with curated questions
+ Special music written and performed for the Forum by Conor Pelan
+ Artwork created for the Forum by Travis Risner, Olga Raski, Lara Ross-Mcglynn, Myrthe M Nijs, Lara Hardie, and KorrieXplicit.
+ Haiku & Drawing Contest

Are you more triggered by the thought of your partner romantically or sexually involved with someone else?
What is the role of marriage?
If humans lived forever, how long would the ideal relationship last?
Is it possible to simultaneously be in love with more than one person?
How would you respond if a partner wanted to explore polyamory? Or, how would you approach this conversation?
Is monogamy natural or socialized?
What is jealousy? Should it be embraced or overcome?
Should we teach children about polyamory?
Should we allow children to be raised in polyamorous households?
Can you think of any successful long-term polyamorous relationships? Can you think of any successful long-term monogamous relationships?
Why do governments, institutions, religions, etc. uphold monogamy?
Why is sexual non-exclusivity a dealbreaker for most couples?
If a friend tells you they’re polyamorous, do any judgments or presumptions come to mind?
Have you explored non-monogamy? Where do you fall on the monogamy-polyamory spectrum?
How would your family feel if you came to dinner with multiple partners?
Have you ever experienced jealousy? What was that experience like for you? Where does jealousy come from?
Are there benefits to being with one person for a lifetime?
Is polyamory more likely to be practiced by easterners or westerners? Why?
Is it possible for one person to satisfy all your needs?
Many aspects of human nature are considered immoral (murder, rape, etc.). Is the natural instinct of polyamory a justification for its practice?
We teach children to share their toys. Should we teach people to share their lovers?
Do you have enough time for one partner? Would you have time for several?
Do you believe in “the one?”
Should children be raised in polyamorous households?
Could you be in a polyfidelity relationship (exclusively sexual and romantic with 2+ long-term partners)?
Have you ever cheated on a partner?

*Late Nights at Puku*
Puku never closes. You're invited to stay late continuing the conversation into the night.

*Parking at Puku*
A limited number of free parking spaces are available in front of Puku. Come early to get one! Ticketed parking is available across from Puku for 10k.


*Single Entry Fee*
Single admission tickets can be purchased at the door for 70k (40k for locals). If the entry fee restricts your ability to attend, please send us a message.

*Sustaining Membership*
Membership are available for purchase. 5 entrances any time for 210K (120k for locals). 5 entrances for the price of 3, a 40% discount!

*Discounted Entry*
If the entry fee restricts your ability to attend an event, please contact We would be ready to give you a discount.

Wednesday, 5 Feb

9:30pm - 11:30pm

Puku Café and Sports Bar | 16 Tong Duy Tan, Hanoi, Vietnam


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