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A New Company Headquarters Brings a Green Respite to Industrial Đồng Nai

Hammocks, koi ponds and mature trees are not typically associated with industrial parks.

Smog-spewing engines feeding gears to churn out widgets, pistons shuddering as tires rumble across concrete, truck beds groaning under the weight of rusted dreams for a satisfying life: mentions of Đồng Nai can often yield thoughts of industrial landscapes. Yet, one new company headquarters suggests it needn't be this way. 

In order to provide their employees with a better atmosphere, CP Vietnam has filled its headquarters with elements of peaceful nature. Native plants and adaptive species that provide shade and attract birds were planted in areas intended for communal use between the road and buildings. The company hopes its workers gather there for meals, and unstructured socializing. An area also provides space for peaceful walks and exercise. Customized hammocks strung up beneath the large trees are perfect for napping, reading a book or playing word games on one's phone. 

At the center of the new design is a koi pond that symbolizes the company's desire for good fortunes and perserverance, inviting workers to linger and feed the fish. Behind it is a grandstand for meetings and gatherings within view of vines that hang down from the rooftop.

Industrial spaces will always be, to some extent, at odds with the natural world, but they do not need to deny it completely. This construction by LJ-Group Landscape Architecture provides a great example of how companies are seeking to connect their employees with features essential to our mental wellbeing.

Have a look at the full design below:

[Photos via ArchDaily]

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