BackHeritage » Vietnam » [Photos] Memories of Hue, Quang Tri in 1967 Through the Lens of Edward Palm

Empty streets, lines for food, shuttered shops: the last few weeks have certainly provided some strange scenes for Saigon residents. 

But one's sense of normalcy has a short attention span, and what we consider "normal" has only existed for so long. Taking a peek at old photos reminds us that previous decades looked a lot different from today. This collection of 1967 scenes in Hue and Quang Tri reminds us of that reality. 

US serviceman Edward Palm aimed his lens at scenes of daily life while stationed in the central region. His photos reveals people working, relaxing and playing. 

Folks waiting for a flight on a tarmac may seem foreign to viewers today, yet a shy child hiding from behind a hat or a boy on a buffalo would still fit in. The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

An elderly fisherman on the Cam Lo River.

Commerce on the Cam Lo River.

A young boy on a buffalo along the river. 

View from the main road through Quang Tri. 

Hiding smiles behind a hat.

A temple on Route 9.

A funeral procession.

A line of mourners. 

Musicians in the funeral procession.

[Photos via Redsvn]

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