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Tropical Storm Bebinca Is Heading to Northern Vietnam

Tropical Storm Bebinca is bearing down on northern Vietnam and could bring up to 350 millimeters of rainfall to the region.

The tropical storm, which originated in the south of China’s Guangdong Province, is expected to carry winds as strong as 75 kilometers per hour, and deposit heavy rain in affected areas, VnExpress reports.

According to Hanoi’s Weatherdude, Bebinca is “moving east now, then will move west later today or tomorrow. It is intensifying. Will start affecting us tomorrow. Could bring extreme rain for several days. Let’s get ready.”

Vietnam’s National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting claims that the storm is currently moving towards the Gulf of Tonkin at five kilometers per hour and is expected to hit northern coastal provinces on Thursday afternoon.

This is the fourth tropical storm to form in the East Sea this year. Only last month, Tropical Storm Son Tinh devastated areas of northern Vietnam, killing at least 27 people and causing widespread flooding.

In 2017, 16 tropical storms hit Vietnam, leaving 389 people dead or missing, injuring 668 others. The hardest hit areas were generally in northern and central regions. 

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