Famous Japanese photographer Doi Kuro once said: "Vietnamese people’s lives are exposed on every street. That’s fascinating." Perhaps that is why photographers visiting Vietnam usually focus on the city's human inhabitants. This set of photos is no exception.
The black-and-white photos were taken by French photographer Patrick Zachmann, a member of Magnum Photos, during his trip to Vietnam in 1991. During that time Zachmann was pursuing his in-depth work on the Chinese diaspora as well. Thus, it was no coincidence that he chose to focus on Cho Lon in Saigon, which is considered Vietnam’s largest Chinatown.
Zachman's photos authentically depict the simple but dynamic life of Cho Lon's labor force. Workers lounge in a youth hostel area, shirtless men take breaks in a dingy dye mill, and young women toil in a Biti’s shoe factory. Among the shots of the hoi polloi are portraits of ethnically Chinese heads of famous businesses in Vietnam.
Have a stroll in Cho Lon in 1991 through the photos below:

[Photos by Patrick Zachmann/Magnum Photos]