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South Korean Delivery App Beamin Expands to Hanoi

South Korea's Baemin has started schlepping bún chảtrà sữa and bánh gối across the capital.

In 2019, Dutch-owned Vietnammm was purchased by the South Korean operation and rebranded accordingly. The South Korean company began delivering food via an app in Saigon, but hadn't launched in Hanoi until now.

Baemin has struggled to gain a modest foothold in the food delivery market, a sector expected to hit US$38 million this year. Only 15% of respondents to a recent survey claimed to use Baemin, compared to 56% for Now and 79% for Grab Food.

In addition to the familiar service that connects hungry people across the cities with participating restaurants, Baemin also recently announced the introduction of Baemin Kitchen and a grocery store service dubbed Baemin Đi Chợ. The company claims to have tens of thousands of drivers in Vietnam.

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