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Did You Know Stopping In The Shade Can Get You Fined?

Driving in the scorching afternoon sun, many seek shelter under slivers of shade provided by trees and buildings. However, under Vietnamese law, doing so could result in fines of up to VND500,000.

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The statute in question is clause 2, Article 44, Section 7 of Decree 71/2012 that says any driver who obstruct the flow of traffic is subject to fines between VND300,000 to VND500,000, according to the legal website Phap Luat So.

Accordingly, drivers who stop short under shade while waiting for traffic lights to change can get slapped with the aforementioned penalties.

So, the next time the shade beckons on a hot summer day, remember that a temporary reprieve from the heat could result in a lighter wallet.

[Photo via Reddit user ntvinh1602]

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