BackStories » Vietnam » Connectivity Is Key to Ethnic Minority Development, World Bank Report Shows

A new research project by World Bank looks at the socio-economic performance of seven ethnicities in Vietnam including San Diu, Muong, Khmer, Xo Dang, Kho Mu and Mong.

Titled "Drivers of Socio-Economic Development Among Ethnic Minority Groups in Vietnam," the study found that the Muong and San Diu groups are the top socio-economic performers among those studied, according to the World Bank press release.

The World Bank attributes these groups' better performance to better connectivity between their living location to basic infrastructure and economic clusters. It thus concludes that physical and economic connectivity, market linkages and labor market mobility are the main driving forces behind the top performing group success.

"These groups are generally subject to better access and endowment of resources, enabling them to diversify their livelihood strategies. Particularly, these groups engage in cash crops in addition to rice, actively look for wage employment in factories, and find ways to interact with key stakeholders who determine resource allocation," writes the press release.

The study also examines how current policies are addressing these socio-economical drivers. While there is a strong emphasis on improving physical access to public infrastructure, other areas are still overlooked. So the World Bank recommends that authorities improve access to the labor market, invest in production support and capacity development and empower women's participation in the economy.

[Photo via VnExpress]

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