Back Stories » Vietnam » From November, Parents Could Be Fined for Letting Children Drink Alcohol

This is one of a number of new alcohol-related regulations coming into force.

Tien Phong reports that on November 15, several rules on alcohol consumption will begin implementation.

Among other things, Decree 117 says that individuals can be fined up to VND1 million for drinking alcohol or beer in places where it is prohibited, or for forcing someone else to drink. This penalty rises to a maximum of VND3 million for forcing another person to drink at work or during study hours.

Meanwhile, the head of an organization that fails to prevent people from forcing others to drink or drinking during work can be fined VND3–5 million, and the head of transport businesses can be fined up to VND10 million for failing to check that their drivers do not drink before or while driving.

Under the decree, adult family members are also advised to ensure that relatives under the age of 18 do not drink alcohol, and can be fined VND500,000–1 million for not doing so. People who are 16 or 17 years old can also be penalized VND200,000–500,000 for drinking liquor or beer.

Finally, vendors and businesses could see a punishment of VND1–3 million for selling booze to underage individuals, while a business selling alcohol within 100 meters of a kindergarten, preschool, or medical facility will be handed a fine of VND5–10 million.

[Photo via Flickr user vhines200]

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