BackStories » Vietnam » Internet Speeds In Vietnam Will Return To Normal Ahead Of Schedule

Internet speeds in Vietnam should return to normal in the coming days as repairs to and maintenance of the Asia-America Gateway (AAG) will be completed ahead of schedule.

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“Repairs to the cable system have been sped up to finish ahead of schedule,” said Bui Quoc Viet, director of public relations with VNPT, adding that internet speeds should “return to normal” at around 5:40pm this Saturday, instead of June 17 as originally announced, reports Tuoi Tre.

The cable, which supplies Vietnam with a high-speed international internet connection, had been slowed by a rupture and scheduled maintenance period.

“The task will be completed earlier than scheduled as the location of the incident was detected quickly,” added Bui.

The break occurred on May 26, and like previous ruptures, Vietnamese telecoms have been unable to pinpoint the cause. In April, Minister of Information and Communications, Nguyen Bac Son, said that service interruptions could be caused by many things, "including fishing nets and even sabotage."

The $560 million system is a joint venture among 19 partners, including Vietnam’s Viettel, VNPT, FPT and STP.

Vietnamese telecoms are planning to build three new internet cables in the coming year to decrease their reliance on the fragile AAG that has broken four times this year alone.

[Photo via Zing]

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