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From now on, government officials will have to take care when recommending potential employees for jobs in state-run agencies.

According to Vietnam News, officials who introduce an individual for work in a government office are now held accountable for that employee's performance, if hired.

The new requirement is part of a four-point plan, which has been in effect since July, to improve recruitment among government agencies.

In addition to placing the onus squarely upon the shoulders of those who recommend a potential employee, the plan also opens up the applicant pool to jobseekers in all fields, permitting those who work in other ministries to apply for positions outside their field. A civil servant who works in transport, for instance, can now apply to work in architecture, tourism or other areas unrelated to his or her previous job.

Following the initial application, all potential employees will be required to complete a preliminary test gauging their knowledge of the ministry in question. If they pass, candidates will move on to the next stage of the application process.

In the end, jobseekers will be given a ranking based on their morality, knowledge of the relevant industry and working skills.

[Top photo via Flazingo]

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