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Police Search for Hanoi's Pee Bandit

Police in Hanoi are on the lookout for a vested “gentleman” who stepped out of his car on Tuesday afternoon and peed in the middle of the road in broad daylight.

Authorities in the capital are working to verify information regarding the man, who was outed by Facebook user Xuan Pham, reports Zing. On the social media site, Pham posted three images of the man urinating on a median while waiting for a red light on Huynh Thuc Khang Street.

“He stopped and hopped out of his car like there was nobody around. Oh, my goodness! I hope he's not originally from Hanoi or it would be a shame,” Pham wrote on Facebook, according to Zing.

The post was then shared nearly 1,500 times, with scores of users weighing in on the incident. Many netizens voiced their disappointment and disapproval, saying the man harmed Vietnam's image.

“If he's drunk, he'd be better off being discreet and peeing in his car instead of doing it in public. That's unacceptable,” wrote commenter Nguyen Thi Binh on internet forum OTOFUN.

“He doesn't look as bad as his behavior,” Facebook user Nam Tran wrote.

If properly identified, Hanoi's pee bandit could face a fine. According to Decree 167/2013/ND-CP, street urination carries a penalty of up to VND300,000. Stiffer penalties and legal action may be taken in the man is found to have been drunk.

[Photos via Tuoi Tre]

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