BackStories » Hanoi » 40,000 Non-Public School Staff in Hanoi Hit With Pay Cuts, Delays

The ongoing economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is hurting countless people.

Tuoi Tre reports that almost 40,000 teachers and employees at non-public schools in Hanoi have had to take a pay cut due to continued school closures. In fact, thousands of people aren't receiving any salary, the city Department of Education and Training told the news source.

These are among the 45,642 people working at 3,225 non-public education institutions in the capital.

With schools remaining closed since before the Tet holiday in early February, these schools are struggling to pay their staff as their income mainly depends on tuition and service fees. According to the news source, just over 120 non-public schools citywide have been able to continue paying full salaries to their employees.

Around 50 K-12 schools, meanwhile, have failed to pay salaries at all, while the rest have only disbursed partial payments.

The municipal education department has submitted a proposal for financial support for these schools to the city government in an effort to help them meet the basic financial needs of their employees. The proposal emphasizes support for workers who need to pay rent, raise children or obtain medical care, though further details are not available.

Previously, around 200 non-public schools in Hanoi petitioned the government for financial support in order to stay afloat.

There is currently no timeline for when schools may be allowed to re-open, placing immense strain on everyone involved in the education sector.

[Photo: Inside a kindergarten in Phu Tho/Nguyen Van Vi via Flickr user ILO Asia-Pacific]

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