BackEvents Near Me » Hanoi Events » Night of ideas: Intelligent City, Sustainable City @ L'Espace

The current large gap between the frameworks of reflection of the “smart city” and those of the “sustainable city” suggests that, today, it is undoubtedly necessary to refine the concept of “smart city” to take fully into account sustainability issues (in their plurality) employed in the urban setting.

This Night of Ideas program will be an opportunity to question how the concept of sustainability can be used in the definition of the "smart city".

How to speak of "smart AND sustainable cities"?
How can the efficiency objectives in the deployment of smart solutions serving the city and the citizen, and their impact in terms of environmental, economic or social sustainability be brought into dialogue?

For the third Night of Ideas in Vietnam, this event will offer three highlights:
• What do we mean by Smart City?
• Progress and limits of the Smart City
• The Smart City in Vietnam

The “Close” theme will be approached as a common thread of the discussions: how does the “smart city”, in its new operating modes and the extended use of new technologies, connected objects, applications, etc. , to influence individual and collective relationships with space, and more broadly, on the definition of new relationships between the city dweller and the machine, in the different aspects of daily life?

What will be the impact of digital technology, in particular in terms of social relations, in this new way of "living the city"?
Ahead of the event (in the first half of January 2021), a video recording of a remote interview between Linh Nguyen Tri (major urban project manager at IDF, Bouygues Immobilier) and Dominique Sellier (Urban planner based in Oslo, Norway), led by Emmanuel Cerise (Researcher, representative of PRX in Hanoi) will be produced. This video will be edited and captioned for use during the debate, and also shown at IF Paris. This event will be organized in collaboration with the IF Norway.

For more information, please visit 

28th January 2021


L’Espace | No 24 Tràng Tiền Street, Hoàn Kiếm District, Hanoi


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