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Citizens, Especially Those Over 60, Should Stay Home, Health Ministry Warns

As Covid-19 cases in Vietnam continue to climb over 100, the health ministry has warned people from going out.

On the morning of March 26, seven new Covid-19 cases were announced, bringing the total number of coronavirus patients in Vietnam 148 at the time of writing. This also brings the total confirmed cases in Saigon up  to 36.

In light of the escalation of both confirmed and suspected cases, the Ministry of Health has put out three main warnings regarding individual preventive measures against the pandemic, Tuoi Tre reports. Citizens should avoid going out when not necessary, and people over 60 years old, who are more vulnerable to the virus, should stay at home completely, said the ministry.

The health ministry also said that citizens should report people who have arrived in Vietnam from a different country from March 8 and are still not in quarantine. The health authorities emphasize that bars, clubs, restaurants and entertainment facilities should obey the call to temporarily close, otherwise strict punishment will be applied.

At the moment, most public venues in Saigon have been shuttered. The suspension came first on March 15 in the case of bars, cinemas, nightclubs, massage and karaoke parlors. Then, earlier this week, authorities also ordered gyms, barbershops and restaurants serving more than 30 patrons to close. Today, the city asked park administrations to shut down playgrounds, morning calisthenics classes and other activities that can give rise to unnecessary crowds.

Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City decided to halt daily masses and other religious gatherings until further notice.

On the morning of March 26, the government held a meeting to discuss new strategies against the coronavirus pandemic, with pre-emergency phase policies and solutions proposed by the Ministry of Justice.

Currently, there are 26 patients who have tested negative for the first round and seven patients who tested negative for the second round, Zing reports. One patient among the second wave of Covid-19 infections has been discharged.

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