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Ministry of Health Confirms First 2 Zika Cases in Vietnam

Earlier this morning, Ministry of Health officials confirmed Vietnam's first two cases of the Zika virus.

According to Reuters, a 64-year-old woman in Nha Trang and a 33-year-old woman in Saigon both tested positive for the virus after falling ill in late March. The two women are currently in stable condition and no further infections have been detected in their relatives or neighbors.

Vietnamese health officials recently raised the country's alert level for the virus after an Australian traveler also tested positive for Zika following a visit to Vietnam. Though it was never confirmed whether the patient had contracted Zika within Vietnam's borders, the virus is now officially in the country and public health officials are taking extra steps to prevent its spread, such as monitoring travelers' body temperatures at airports and increasing the frequency of Zika testing in hospitals.

[Photo via Flickr user Tom]

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