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[Photos] Getting Lost in Traffic on Late 1960s Chau Van Liem Boulevard

Old photos of Vietnam and cheese: two things you can never too much of.

We've featured numerous images of Saigon from the 1960s and 1970s before, but there are always more angles and sights to explore. This set, curated by Flickr Jedi manhhai, includes film photos from an author who's only known by his first name Brad.

Our man Brad may not be the best photographer to ever grace this website, but he caught plenty of interesting tidbits of daily life, from crowds exiting a movie theater and people hanging out at a TV shop to residents riding a bus and all kinds of transportation.

Judging by the captions, Brad was likely in the Australian military, as a number of photos were taken from the Canberra Bachelors and Enlisted Men's Quarters (BEQ) on what is now Chau Van Liem Street in District 5.

Take a ride around Saigon of 1969 and 1970 through Brad's lens below:

Crowds outside a theater.

Traffic on what is now Chau Van Liem.

Motoring around.

A classic cyclo.

People using a Lambro to get around.

A city bus heading towards Long Binh.

The old Thu Do hotel and theater.

The Nguyen Trai-Chau Van Liem intersection.

It must be said that air quality doesn't look like it was great back then.

A row of cyclo in Cholon.

The Le Thanh Theater in Cho Lon.

Some things never change.

An old pagoda.

A funeral procession in Cho Lon.

Former Dong Khanh Street.

The view from the Canberra BEQ.

Another day, another view.

Very old-school transportation.

[Photos via Flickr user manhhai]

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