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in Tech

Microsoft To Move 2 Nokia Factories From China To Vietnam For Lower Labor Costs

It looks like Vietnam’s master plan to lure global tech companies is panning out with the announcement last week that Microsoft is closing two of its handset plants in China and moving operations to V...

in Tech Hacked By "Lizard Squad"

This afternoon, users attempting to connect to the homepage were greeted by text, a photo and video courtesy of what appears to be a small collective of American hackers.

in Tech

New Website Uses Travelers To Deliver Items To Those Aboard

A new website,, offers to make deliverymen (and women) out of people traveling abroad.

in Tech

[Video] Alibaba Tests Drone Delivery Service In China

Chinese online retail giant, Alibaba, has taken a page out of Amazon’s playbook, launching a three-day drone delivery pilot program.

in Tech

Vietnam Hopes To Launch 4G LTE This Year

As public WIFI spreads across Vietnam’s streets, cities and transportation networks, plans are in the works to upgrade the country’s mobile internet to 4G LTE status.

in Tech

Vietnam’s First Nuclear Power Plant Faces Another Setback

Due to slowing economic growth and safety concerns, the construction of Vietnam’s first nuclear reactor has been delayed yet again. 

in Tech

China Just 3D-Printed an Entire Mansion

Luxury LegoLand just got real. Chinese construction company, Winsun, revealed their largest 3D printed houses produced to date earlier this month in the eastern city of Suzhou, reports TechinAsia...

in Tech

Rooftop Aquaponic Systems Bring Sustainable Urban Farming To Saigon

District 12 farmer, Nguyễn Ngọc Khuyến, has adopted a brilliant system to make urban farming more accessible to those with limited spaces.

in Tech

Vietnam’s Internet Among Slowest In Asia-Pacific Region

Even before Vietnam’s undersea cable ruptured earlier this month, the country’s internet connection speeds ranked near the bottom in the Asia-Pacific region.

in Tech

Vietnam Airlines May Start Offering Free WIFI On Domestic Flights This Year

It looks like Vietnam Airlines is finally getting on the WIFI bandwagon with the company announcing that the service would be making its debut on its aircraft this May.

in Tech

Gogoro: Tesla Technology In Scooter Form

Taiwanese startup Gogoro has raised over $150 Million over the past few years developing the world’s first Smart Scooter. Fueled by the same lithium ion cells used in the Tesla Model S, the scooter is...

in Tech

Vietnamese Scientists Develop Android App To Help Visually Impaired Use Smartphones

Scientists in Ho Chi Minh City have developed a text-to-voice app that allows visually impaired Vietnamese to use smart phones more effectively.

in Tech

Free WIFI Coming To Vietnam’s Trains This Month

Long trips on Vietnam’s rails are set to become a bit more bearable this month as the country’s railway operator has begun to install wireless internet on north-south express trains.

in Tech

Microsoft To Launch Vietnamese Version Of MSN Portal

The Vietnamese version of Microsoft’s MSN portal officially went online Wednesday as the company hopes to capitalize on the country’s growing online market.

in Tech

Half Of HCMC’s State Agency Officials Don’t Know How To Use Email

In a recent article by Dantri International, a survey conducted by the Department of Information and Communications revealed that as much as 50 percent of the higher officials in the city’s state depa...

in Tech

Could 3D-Printed Plastic Replace Metal Roofs in Vietnam?

A new project out of a Harvard spin-off, Resilient Modular Systems, has developed a system of modular roofing 3D printed from waste plastic.

in Tech

HCMC Seeks To Lure Scientists With $7,015 Monthly Salaries

As HCMC seeks to position itself as the country’s science and technology hub, it is offering massive incentives to lure scientists.

in Tech

Vietnamese Jeweler Begins To Ship 24k Gold Plated iPads

Some Vietnamese spend months of their salary on iPhones and iPads for a lift in status. But some go a step further, paying more than the value of the actual product to have it dipped in gold.

in Tech

Made In Vietnam: La Dalat

Known once as “the pearl of the orient,” Saigon was Indochina’s hub of modern industry and entertainment. This environment spawned the “La Dalat,” one of the first cars to be produced in Vietnam.

in Tech

Hackers Tap Into Private Vietnamese CCTV Cameras, Put Feeds Online

In a reminder to avoid passwords like “admin” and “12345,” a group of hackers tapped into almost 1,000 Vietnamese private CCTV cameras and put them on the web for all to see.