Back Travel » [Video] An Intimate Look at Vietnam's Lush Landscapes and Vibrant People

When it comes to travel videos about Vietnam, there are generally two styles: the usual fast-paced time-lapse sequences that shine the limelight on local cities’ myriad colors and bustling nightscapes; and those videos that pay close attention to the intricate details of the country’s lush nature, pristine landscapes and diverse people.

Vietnam – Land of the Dragon People is a great example of the second style. The video was produced by Vimeo user Sjoerd Tanghe, who spent most of last November trekking across Vietnam to capture the best the Southeast Asian nation has to offer.

Tanghe spent two weeks in Saigon, Vinh Long, Phu Quoc and Chau Doc. Then, after a grueling 34-hour train ride from Saigon to Hanoi, the videographer went on to explore Hanoi, Sapa and Meo Vac, among other localities in the north.

Another important aspect that helps this video stand out from the scores of other travel clips out there is how well the soft, meditative soundtrack meshes with the cuts and pacing of the video. Tanghe has an eye for small details, and his fondness for movement also shows in the way the camera brushes past its subjects – including a centipede, boys cliff-diving and smiling schoolgirls – in intimate slow-motion.

Have a look at the breathtaking video below:

[Video via Vimeo user Sjoerd Tanghe]

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