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50 Old Photos of Cần Thơ

Now the 4th largest city in Vietnam with 1.2 million people, Cần Thơ is the “capital of the West” and the central of hub of commerce in the Mekong Delta.

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By the late 1960s, however, Cần Thơ was a small city with a tenth of its present population and the location of an American Military Base. The city’s population grew steadily to around 340,000 people in 2000, then exploded to 1.2 million by 2010.

This rapid development has vastly changed the face of the city with the construction of taller buildings, bigger roads and ‘modern development.’ The scenes in some of these photos are so far removed from their present day forms, they seem like completely different cities while others look very familiar.

[Photos via Manhhai]

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