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[Video] Saigon Slaughterhouse Caught Dyeing Chickens With Chemicals

You might want to hold off on the phở gà for a while. Apparently, in order to give its produce that tasty, chicken-fat-yellow hue, one local slaughterhouse has been dipping its freshly-killed chickens in a combination of chemicals and kerosene.

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According to VN Express, local authorities raided an illegal slaughterhouse in the city last Sunday, discovering hundreds of chickens that were not quarantined before killing.

Vo Van Diep, the slaughterhouse owner, later confessed that he had purchased the chickens from a farm in Tien Giang which did not meet local health and safety standards. In the accompanying video, dozens of plastic crates packed with live chickens – as well as a vat of newly-killed ones floating in clear liquid – are stacked around a small room.

After slaughtering the animals, Diep would then mix kerosene and black powdered chemicals to give the pale chickens a better, more attractive color for the market. According to the news article, this appetizing solution is similar to what you might use when staining wooden furniture.

Authorities are currently determining the toxicity level of these chemicals. In the meantime, we'll stick to beef, thanks.

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