A promotional program for free entrance to Hanoi’s Ho Tay Water Park started off innocently enough but quickly devolved into total chaos as those who arrived late began to scale its fences.
The popular waterpark launched the promotion on April 19, opening its doors to customers free of charge between 8am and 10am. While some waited patiently, at 9am hundreds if not thousands of men, women and children decided to skip the line by climbing over the park’s sharp metal gates despite warnings from security guards, reports VN Express.
According to the Vietnamese press, many of those who jumped the fence ended up getting their clothes torn on its sharp spears.
Though it’s unclear exactly how many people entered in this manner, the waterpark said that at least 20,000 people ended up in its chlorine-filled waters.
The incident has not only resulted in a debate about public behavior among Vietnamese netizens, but also a deluge of illustrations and photoshopped images providing a dose of tongue-in-cheek social commentary.

"We are the Dragon and Fairy's children. We shall sacrifice ourselves for the water ("nước" means both "water" and "nation")."
"Vice Car Lone" a twist on a Vietnamese cursing exclamnation that roughly translates to "Holy shit."