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33% Of Foreign Tourists Return To Vietnam: Survey

A recent survey conducted by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) found that the number of international visitors who have returned to Vietnam twice or more has reached 32.98%.

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The survey, conducted by the VNAT in October and November 2014, was based on results collected from 13,980 questionnaires. The forms were written in six different languages and delivered randomly to tourists upon their departure from the country at seven international border gates (three air, two land and two sea), according to Nhan Dan.

The newspaper broke down the results:

“…the proportion of international visitors to Vietnam for the first time accounted for about 67% of visitors; for the second time, 18.1%; third time, 5.77%; and over three times, 9.11%. Thus, the percentage of international visitors returning to Vietnam twice or more was at 32.98%.”

So where does this rank Vietnam in terms of return visitors compared to other countries? Thailand touts a 50% return rate according to multiple sources (though official statistics were curiously absent, so it may be best to take that with a grain of salt).

The survey also revealed some interesting tourist spending habits:

“…the average total trip expenditure of visitors registered to stay overnight reached US$1,114.40, while the average daily expenditure of a visitor reached US$125.74 — the highest spending came from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand) with US$1,667 per visitor. Asian guests stayed fewer days and spent about US$861 per passenger during their vacation.

However, Asian visitors also spent the highest in a single day among Vietnam’s international tourists, reaching US$126.4 a day. The lowest daily average spending belonged to visitors from Europe at US$97.8 a day.”

According to Thanh Nien, the survey also found some surprisingly high levels of traveller satisfaction:

...more than 94 percent of foreign visitors to the country rank their experience as "good" to "very good."... Less than 0.5 percent of the respondents said it was "poor."

[Photo via Thanh Nien]

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