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Since the beginning of the year, Saigon’s Ton Duc Thang University has published ads calling for foreign scientists and researchers from the U.S. to Taiwan to join its ranks and has already received 25 applications, according to Tuoi Tre.
The school’s acting head of the school’s science and technology management and development, Dr. Le Van Ut, said that the school would like to focus on three research fields - basic research, applied research, and transfer research.
In an interview with Vietnam Net last month, Professor, Academician and People's Teacher Pham Minh Hac, highlighted the country’s need to improve quality of its scientific educational resources.
“In my opinion, the most important task of the government is the management of scientific professors. The Government needs to provide further assistance, including boosting investment in scientific research, particularly for projects, whose findings can be implemented widely and contribute to national development,” he told the newspaper.
[Photo via Ton Duc Thang University]