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Rooftop Vegetable Gardens Catching On In Hanoi

We’ve always thought that Saigon’s rooftops were the perfect place to grow vegetables, especially given the questions about food safety that have cropped up over the past few years. Though they probably already exist in Saigon, DTI News reports that the trend is taking off in Hanoi.

Using special water systems and hydroponics, some of capital’s rooftops have become an efficient way for residents to grow vegetables for their own consumption.

Nguyen Minh An, of Hanoi’s Ha Dong District, spent VND4 million on her 2sqm garden where she grows 13 kinds of vegetables, including onions, lettuce, water spinach, lemon and guava.

Some companies even provide water systems that pump nutrients evenly to all receptacles, and can adjust to changing weather conditions.

If anyone knows of a company that builds rooftop vegetable gardens in Saigon, let us know. We’d love to have one!

[DTI News]

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