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Behind The Cover: Saigon Artbook Edition 5

The next edition of Saigon Artbook is hot off the press and ready for the art-hungry masses. The book will be officially launched this Thursday evening at the 3A Alternative Art Area, but before you arrive, we wanted to give you some brief background on this edition’s artists.

Do Hai Anh – Contemporary Dancer

Even though she is the youngest artist in the book, Hai Anh has been refining her craft since the age of five. Following her graduation from the Ho Chi Minh City School of Dance in 2008, Hai Anh joined the country’s most renowned dance troupe, Arabesque, and graced many stages from East to West. Despite her international performances, she maintains a soft spot in her heart for her hometown.

“The small roads and street vendors’ cries echoing throughout the hẻms of Saigon have followed me in my mind on tours in foreign lands. I miss my mother’s ca phe sua da, my neighbor’s broken rice and the sweet tofu with ginger.”

“The happiest feeling for me is that of achievement. When I can make a successful show from scratch – from concept and music all the way through to choreography that’s when I have attained bliss. But I wouldn’t have been able to reach that point without the support of my family and friends.”

Turine Tran – Digital Illustrator

Saigon-born Turine Tran commenced her pursuit of art in 2001 and has journeyed from Vietnam to Singapore, Paris and Edinburgh where she obtained her Masters in Illustration from the prestigious Edinburgh College of Art. Her work has appeared in various exhibitions in the UK, the US, Singapore and in children’s books such as The River Dragons, Tilly’s Moonlight Garden, Two Brothers Two Rewards, Ming and The Caterpillar, to name a few.

Turine’s work reflects the nostalgia of her happy childhood in Saigon filled with friends and nature.

“A tree, a flower, a tea cup, a rainy day, a quiet lake, children frolicking… every time I recollect those moments, I can liberate my imagination onto a canvas.”

Her art transcends cultures, touching the hearts of those on the other side of the globe.

“Recently, I received an email from a stranger who went to my exhibition at the National Library of Scotland, saying that she felt happy looking at my artwork because it reminded her of her childhood with her mom. It was the greatest feeling.”

30% of the proceeds made from the sale of her work will be used to buy chocolates and sweets in the effort to add a dash of happiness to the lives of children in disaster-struck Nepal.

Letniskaya Vitaliya – Collage Artist

Despite her strength and confidence, Vitalaya didn’t realize that she was an artist until a friend gifted her a book called “The Age of Collage Book.”

“My first ‘artwork’ was a birthday gift I made for a friend of mine, a two hundred page scrapbook created over 29 non-stop hours of work.”

Collage art allows Vita to communicate her thoughts and emotions through the self-aware process of selecting, cutting, combining and layering images. From simple - a single layer on a plain surface – to complex - an abundance of layers and materials - Vita examines and documents her life in each and every creation.

“Cut thinking, glue emotions, collage yourself, it is my silent storytelling.”

“Don’t overthink. Listen to yourself. And if you want to do something, don’t wait until you are ready,” shared Vita who donates all profits made from her work to the Vietnam's First Public Early Intervention Centre for Children with Autism in HCMC.

The Saigon Artbook Edition 5 Party will take place on Thursday, 18 June. For tickets, visit the event page on Ticketbox.


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