BackSociety » Architecture » [Photos] The Thu Duc Pavilion Resembling a Giant Arts and Crafts Project

Remember making arts and crafts projects using wooden popsicle sticks?

What if a professional architect performed the same activity with slightly larger materials? The result might resemble this Thu Duc pavilion created by MIA Design Studio. The layers of wooden planks supported by thin metal poles resemble a primary school art project on steroids.

Designed to function as an architecture event venue, its angular, monochromatic materials blend in with the surrounding greenery because the architects wanted visitors to feel in tune with nature. Open spaces between the planks allow for views of the trees, shrubs, and ferns while creating interesting shadows on the stage. The simple, rustic aesthetic is intended to call to mind rural Vietnam where nature and construction are in frequent interplay. 

Have a look at the photos below:

[Photos via ArchDaily]

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