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[Photos] A Rare Glimpse of the Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelago

Tensions appear to be escalating over thousands of disputed islands in the East Sea with reports surfacing last week that the Pentagon is considering deploying U.S. military assets to the area in a direct challenge to China’s steadily increasing hegemony.

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Though the 30,000 islands and reefs are frequently seen on maps and talked about at length in the international press, they can feel almost theoretical in their existence - something known but rarely, if ever seen.

These images of Truong Sa Lon Island taken by Tuoi Tre, under the approval of the Vietnam Navy and Air Defense – Air Force, may help to put a face to the name, geographically speaking. 

The backside of Truong Sa Lon Island.

A corner of the island’s backside.

The residential area of the island.

The center of Truong Sa Town with the Truong Sa Lon pagoda, the local government’s house for guests, the island’s command house, which is under-construction, the martyrs memorial, Truong Sa Town’s People’s Committee, and the island’s hall with a Vietnam national flag on its rooftop. 

The island’s lighthouse.

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