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[Video] Man Fined $35 for Shattering Smelly Pickle Jar at Security Checkpoint

Vietnam’s northern airport authority has fined a passenger VND750,000 (US$35) for throwing a jar of picked eggplants at Noi Bai International airport.

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The incident occurred on June 22 when 38-year-old Nghiem Tien Khoi was told by airport security that he could not bring a jar of pickled eggplants in fish sauce onto his flight and asked him to remove the jar from his carryon luggage, reports Bao Moi.

After informing Khoi that aviation rules prohibit passengers from bringing “smelly” liquids into the airplane cabin, Khoi began to argue with airport officials and threw the jar onto the floor where it shattered.

Luckily for us, the scene was captured on video:

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