Back Travel » Australian Vietnam Airlines Passenger Tied up for Smoking Mid-Flight

Though some first time flyers have been known to mistake emergency exits for lavatories, some blatantly disregard well-known airline regulations, like this Vietnamese-Australian man who had to be tied up after refusing to extinguish his cigarette.

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The incident occurred last Thursday three hours into a flight from Sydney to Saigon when the 27-year-old locked himself inside a toilet to light up, according to Vietnam Net

When the fire alarm system kicked in, crew members asked the man to stop smoking and return to his seat.

Instead of complying, he refused to leave the toilet and continued to smoke, an infraction that carries a VND4 million fine.

After successfully removing the man from the toilet with the help of a passenger, he was tied up and forced to sit in the back of the plane for the remainder of the flight.

Family members said that he suffered from depression and was traveling to Vietnam for treatment. 

We're sure that wasn't a fun flight to be on, but hey, things could have been worse.

[Photo via VietnamNet]

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