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[Illustrations] Local Illustrator Captures the Charm of Vietnam in Mini Icons

When asked for the reasons why one loves Vietnam, many might hesitate. There is a lot to love about this chaotic, eclectic, bewildering nation; but there is a lot to frown upon as well.

For Saigon-based illustrator Nguyen Nguyen, his affection for the country lies in the little things, judging by his Vietnam iconography project “A little Viet Nam.” According to Nguyen, the 2016 collection doesn’t serve any specific purpose, but the product of a stroke of spontaneity. “I was suddenly inspired to make this project which is about specific things of [Vietnam]: food, architecture, vehicles,” he writes in the project description.

Like its name suggests, “A little Viet Nam” is little: the minimalist icons — portraying some of the country’s most recognizable cultural symbols — aren’t grandiose in scale. From gỏi cuốn to cà phê sữa đá to xích lô, Nguyen’s illustrations might not look out of place in a mobile cooking game, but they’re undoubtedly Vietnamese.

Have a closer look at Nguyen Nguyen’s collection of miniscule Vietnam icons below:

[Illustrations via Behance user nguyen nguyen]

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