Back Society » Architecture » [Photos] Saigon Architects Create Charming D7 Wood-and-Concrete Row House

In the last few years, Saigon's architects have come up with some impressive contemporary touches for the city's traditional row houses. Whether adding web-like coverings or a collage of window shutters to their facades, carving out a central atrium to bring in natural light or transforming each multi-story structure's interior with modern, minimalist design, the southern hub's unique architectural challenges often breed creativity.

The same is true of this charming District 7 house by Japanese-led local architecture firm Nishizawa Architects. However, rather than cover this house with the increasingly common porous skin that has become a common trend among modern row houses, the architects chose to stack different wood and concrete elements in block-like fashion, reports Designboom.

The resulting structure features a combination of indoor and semi-outdoor spaces. The ground floor houses a living room as well as a rotating door which leads out to the backyard garden, while a study and guest bedroom occupy the mezzanine. Above, the kitchen and dining room share an upper floor, followed by bedrooms for the homeowners' two children as well a master bedroom. The house is topped with a roof terrace and decorated with ample greenery, a nice complement to the southern facade's park views.









[Photos via Designboom]

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