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Stunning Video Captures Snapshots Of Northern Vietnam

When German photographer Stefan Siebert visited Vietnam earlier this year, he wanted to travel light but also capture images of his journey. Using a handy Blackmagic camera and monopod, the photographer succeeded in bringing together a series of beautiful vignettes which feature both the people and natural beauty of northern Vietnam.

The three-minute video is not just another travelogue documenting Vietnam's most famous sights. Instead, Siebert portrays the charm of foggy Sapa and the neon-lit streets of Hanoi alongside stunning portraits of their residents.

Opening with a scene of an empty Sapa stadium covered in morning mist, Siebert whisks us through detailed close-ups and snapshots of daily life, with the dirt roads and tiered rice terraces of Sapa – or the bustling streets of downtown Hanoi – filling out the background.

Check out Siebert’s travel photos on Flickr, Vimeo and his website.

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