BackStories » Asia » Cambodian Police to Keep 70% of Traffic Fines Under New Regulation

Starting next year, a new traffic law will be implemented in Cambodia that not only raises penalties five-fold, but also allows police to keep 70% of the fines they dole out.

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The incentives were announced by deputy director of the Interior Ministry’s Public Order Department, Ti Long, at a press conference on road safety last week, reports the Phnom Penh Post.

“Police who are involved in the enforcement and crack down on the crime will receive 70 per cent of the fine,” said Long.

Of the 30% kept by the government, 25% will go toward funding equipment and supply purchases with the remaining 5% forwarded to the Ministry of Finance.

The scheme is an effort to increase transparency and reduce graft among traffic cops. By providing them with access to legitimate extra revenue, the country hopes police won't resort to corruption to pad their meager salaries.

 “It will be a good idea to give more incentives to the officers who are doing their jobs,” said independent road safety analyst Chariya Ear.

Cambodian traffic cops currently receive 50% of the small penalties they collect. The higher percentage and increased fines represent a seven-fold increase in potential income for police.

“While an officer currently takes home $0.63 of the $1.25 fine for failure to wear a seatbelt in a car, for instance, as of January, they will pocket $4.38 of the $6.25 penalty for the same offence,” wrote the paper.

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