Japan continues to provide plenty of material when it comes to bizarre trends. The latest? Vacuum-packed wedding photos.
In the said photos, Tokyo-based artist Haruhiko Kawaguchi douses couples in lube before sealing them in plastic bags while the couples strike intimate, and sometimes comedic, poses.
“Men and women are attracted to each other and they try to become one.This fundamental desire carries an energy that affects everything in the world. I wonder what is the reason we have to make such an effort to become one. Possibly we were all originally one," Kawaguchi told the Daily Mail. “With my pictures, I try to show this power of love by getting the couples as close together as possible. The less distance there is between them, the stronger the power of love.”
According to the news site, Kawaguchi keeps a medic on standby during the process to make sure nobody suffocates, a seemingly real threat given that he has just four seconds to capture his photos.
Kawaguchi shared that demand for the service is booming, with some newlyweds looking to up their nuptial photo game despite the fact that they’ve already tied the knot.
Take a gander at some of these highly non-traditional wedding shots, courtesy of SLRLounge, below: