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[Video] Here's What Vietnam Looks Like From Above

It's easy to get cynical about Vietnam's tourism industry. While this is a country with plenty to offer, there are a whole host of things that can bring a traveler down. But every now and again, someone brings together the best of Vietnam, compiles it into a short video and reminds us exactly why this country is so great.

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This time, it's Vimeo user Thang Soi, who's created two stunning travel videos that perfectly represent the yin and yang of Vietnam.

In the first, called 'Vietnam: View From Sky', Thang Soi uses a drone camera to capture the sweeping landscapes of northwestern Vietnam. Set to a haunting, ethereal soundtrack, the video traverses otherworldly landscapes in the far corners of the country.

From above, the northwest's terraced rice paddies look like a topographical map, carved into mountainsides and rippling outward from hilltops. It's a remarkable testament to Vietnam's natural beauty and a glimpse at one of the country's less-visited regions.

On the flipside, its counterpart gives a nod to the country's ever-changing cityscapes, floating past more identifiable sights like Da Nang's Dragon Bridge, the towering Quan Am statue at Linh Ung Pagoda, Po Nagar Towers in Nha Trang and Hue's Imperial Citadel.

This time featuring more whimsical music, the second video charts the rhythms of urban Vietnam's traffic from up high, as well as the patchwork of houses and ongoing urban development that's the complete antithesis to the rice paddies of the northwest.

If ever Vietnam were looking for a travel video to promote its tourism industry, either of these would be a good choice.

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