Of the countless video montages shot in Vietnam, how many of them are worth a click? This dreamy, slow-motion clip of daily activities near Hoan Kiem Lake certainly is.
Vimeo user Black Crow has previously created short clips about Thailand and Indonesia, but in this video, he has turned his lens on one of the most photographed spots in Vietnam – the fountain on the north shore of Hanoi’s Hoan Kiem Lake – and managed to bring out the quiet magic of the Old Quarter.
Simply titled “Hanoi,” it’s a 90-second video shot on a day when the winter rain has cleansed the air and thinned the crowds. Grandmothers perform tai chi in the cold while retirees and xe ôm drivers smoke and pour tea. Nearby, a young couple enjoys a stroll up the sidewalk.
The video, just like the mid-tempo track it’s set to (‘Believe’ by Benjamin Booker), seems deserving of more attention than it’s received so far. Black Crow’s framing and camera movement puts him a cut above most of the amateur travel content that fills up your Facebook feed.
Give it a play below:
Video via Vimeo user black crow.